Cycle cross race - Les Marcaires

Cycle cross race - Les Marcaires



The Sprinter Club de Munster, with 50 members mainly from the Munster valley and the Colmar area, was founded in 1999. Its aim is to encourage, promote and foster the practice of cycling in all its forms and at all ages.

They are organizing a cyclosportive meeting again this year.

the innovative organization devised for you by Sprinter Club Munster and split into 2 distinct parts:

- From March 15 to October 15, after validating your registration for the "Marcaires Challenge" (March 15 - August 15), equipped with your GPS counter and heart rate belt during your outings in the Munster Valley, you'll take advantage of the opportunity to borrow one by one the 10 climbs on offer, some of which are new to you. At the end of your outing, you'll send us your tcx file via the "" website, from which we'll extract the challenge segments and check your data in detail. The hierarchy of your individual performances will be updated once a week, enabling you to see where you stand in relation to the other Challenge participants. There will be plenty of twists and turns, with each competitor able to improve his or her times through new attempts.

- On September 1, on the fearsome Petit Ballon climb from Luttenbach, scene in 2023 of one of the Tour de France's finest pages with Thibaut Pinot's fantastic ride, the SCM organizes under the aegis of the FSGT "the mythical Petit Ballon climb" open to all and serving as a final for Challenge participants. A jury will check the consistency of competitors' performances before publishing the final overall ranking. A grand awards evening in Munster will bring this fantastic sporting adventure to a close.


You can register here.
Registration is 35 euros for licensees and 45 euros for non-licensees.

Looking forward to welcoming you to the "Marcaires Challenge".


1 pm


35 euros with competition license, 45 euros with medical certificate.


Réservation obligatoire

Booking necessary

Organisé par

Sprinter Club

Accueil et accès

Coordonnées GPS







LATITUDE : 48,02882479982
LONGITUDE 7,1206318460327


Horaires d'ouverture de l'office de tourisme

De janvier à mai et de septembre à décembre :
Lundi à vendredi : 09h30 - 12h et 14h - 17h30
Samedi : 09h30 - 12h et 14h - 17h

En décembre permanence de l’Office de Tourisme
sur les marchés de Noël les week-ends
De juin à août :
Lundi à samedi : 09h - 12h30 et 13h30 - 18h
Dimanche et jours fériés : 09h -13h

Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de Munster 2021
L'Alsace EssentielleMentions légales - Extranet - Espace Pro