Jim Petit, composer/musician

Jim Petit, composer/musician

  • Languages spoken : English



Jim Petit is a composer and musician. He is notably the creator of sound walks in the Mittlach woods (Mittlach forest and Upper Fecht lakes).

The sound walks offered in the company of the composer:

- A 5th season - superimposed seasonal soundscapes of Mittlach - easy and family-friendly. Stemming from the superimposition of each season's soundscapes recorded from September 2017 to November 2018, Jim invites walkers to discover the 12 listening points of this sound trail, where moments of gentle walking, headphone listening, and moments of pause alternate. Listening in situ to the 12 sound pieces of a 5th season, blend with the sounds of the actual soundscape at the moment the experience is lived by the listener for an immersive session between reality of the moment and transformation of the sound reality of each site. Another way to experience the forest and mountain landscape of Mittlach.
Price: €10/person, from 4 to 10 people/walk, headphones supplied. Every Monday and Tuesday by prior arrangement. Departure from the Val Neige restaurant parking lot in Mittlach. Easy and family-friendly, the trail follows existing paths without difficulty. 3 kms, approx. 3 h

- Au sons des lacs: soundscapes of the Fischboedle, Schiessrothried and Altenweiher lakes and electronic music based on dowsing pendulum analysis of the lake waters. After a hike to the lakes from Mittlach, set off on an original discovery of the lakes and listen to the musical pieces through headphones, for an immersive and sensitive sound experience.
Prices: 4 to 10 people/outing, from 7 years
. Every Wednesday by reservation: Lake Altenweiher, good walker, 9 kms round trip, 3 h 30 (walking and listening included). 15 €/person. Departure from Val Neige restaurant parking lot, Mittlach
. Every Thursday by reservation: Fischboedle and Schiessrotried lakes, good walker, 12 kms round trip, 4 h 30 (walking and listening included). 20 €/person. Departure from Val Neige restaurant parking lot, Mittlach

. - Sound siestas: Solstices


Tous les jours sur réservation

Accueil et accès


650 m

Coordonnées GPS







650 m


LATITUDE : 48,0056518
LONGITUDE 7,0267354


Horaires d'ouverture de l'office de tourisme

De janvier à mai et de septembre à décembre :
Lundi à vendredi : 09h30 - 12h et 14h - 17h30
Samedi : 09h30 - 12h et 14h - 17h

En décembre permanence de l’Office de Tourisme
sur les marchés de Noël les week-ends
De juin à août :
Lundi à samedi : 09h - 12h30 et 13h30 - 18h
Dimanche et jours fériés : 09h -13h

Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de Munster 2021
L'Alsace EssentielleMentions légales - Extranet - Espace Pro