Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de Munster

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Les expériences incontournables à vivre dans la Vallée de Munster

The top 10 must-do experiences in the Munster Valley

  • Attend a demonstration of Munster cheese making
  • Discover the storks in the town of Munster
  • Hike to Fishboedlé Lake from Metzeral train station
  • Walk alongside a livestock transhumance
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset from the Hohneck
  • Observe chamois on the Vosges mountain ridges
  • Pet a reindeer at the Reindeer Farm
  • Taste the Munster macaron
  • Enjoy the beers and wines of the Munster Valley
  • Experience a Christmas market in the heart of the mountains

1 - Discover the storks in the town of Munster

The town of Munster is known for its storks, which are present in large numbers throughout the town. In season, meaning outside the migration period, you can easily observe them.
Discovering the storks in the town of Munster is an unforgettable experience, combining nature and Alsatian culture.
Perched on the rooftops of historic buildings such as the Batial or the Protestant church, storks are everywhere in Munster.

Munster, with its picturesque landscapes and cobblestone streets, transports you to a magical world where storks are the stars. It’s an experience that leaves lasting memories and a deep respect for local wildlife.

Discover Munster, the stork paradise, and let yourself be charmed by this unique encounter with nature.

2 - Attend a demonstration of Munster cheese making

Attending a demonstration of Munster cheese making at the Maison du Fromage is an authentic and immersive experience that takes you to the heart of Alsatian cheese-making tradition.

From the moment you arrive, you’ll be welcomed by the enticing aroma of fresh cheese and the warm atmosphere of the house. Your visit to the museum will guide you through each step of the process, from milk treatment to cheese aging. During the demonstration, you’ll observe up close the precise and meticulous techniques used to create the famous Munster cheese, known for its rich and creamy taste.

In addition to watching the cheese being made, you’ll have the opportunity to taste different varieties of Munster cheese, paired with Alsatian wine. Cheese experts will also share stories and traditions about this iconic cheese, enriching your experience even further.

This unique experience at the Maison du Fromage in Munster will allow you to discover the soul and character of this region through one of its most treasured products: its cheese. Whether you are a passionate cheese lover or simply curious to learn the secrets of its creation, this experience will awaken your senses and leave you with unforgettable culinary memories.

3 - Hike to Fishboedlé Lake from Metzeral train station

When you’re looking for a nature getaway in the Vosges, few places rival the Wormsa Valley and Fischboedlé Lake. This adventure begins as soon as you leave Metzeral train station, located in the heart of this mountainous region.

The hiking trail that winds through the Wormsa Valley is a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Following this winding path, you quickly find yourself immersed in a dense forest, punctuated by birdsong and the rustling of leaves.

The beauty of the valley soon reveals itself: clear rivers meander between moss-covered rocks, while spectacular waterfalls cascade down the wooded slopes. Each turn holds a new surprise, inviting you to explore further.

As you progress along the trail, Fischboedlé Lake finally comes into view, sparkling like a gem amidst the mountains. Surrounded by lush forests and majestic peaks, it’s the perfect spot to take a break, have a picnic, and simply enjoy the tranquility of nature.

Whether you’re an experienced hiker or simply seeking a refreshing getaway, the hike from the Wormsa Valley to Fischboedlé Lake starting from Metzeral train station promises you an unforgettable experience in the heart of the pristine landscapes of the Vosges.

4 - Walk alongside a livestock transhumance

Attending a demonstration of Munster cheese making at the Maison du Fromage is an authentic and immersive experience that plunges you into the heart of Alsatian cheese-making tradition.

From the moment you arrive, you’ll be greeted by the enchanting aroma of fresh cheese and the warm atmosphere of the house. Your visit to the museum will guide you through each step of the process, from milk treatment to cheese aging. You will be able to closely observe the precise and meticulous techniques required to create the famous Munster cheese, known for its rich and creamy taste, during the demonstration.

In addition to watching the cheese being made, you will have the opportunity to taste different varieties of Munster cheese, accompanied by Alsatian wine. Cheese experts will also share anecdotes about the history and traditions related to this iconic cheese, further enriching your experience.

This unique experience at the Maison du Fromage in Munster will allow you to discover the soul and character of this region through one of its most treasured products: its cheese. Whether you are a passionate cheese lover or simply curious to learn the secrets of its creation, this experience will awaken your senses and leave you with unforgettable culinary memories.

5 - Watch the sunrise or sunset from the Hohneck

Perched at an altitude of 1,363 meters, the Hohneck offers one of the most spectacular panoramas in the region. Whether at sunrise, when the first rays gently illuminate the crests of the surrounding mountains, or at sunset, when the sky is ablaze with warm, golden hues, every moment spent at the summit of the Hohneck is a true ode to natural beauty.

To reach this summit, you can choose from several hiking trails that offer breathtaking views along the way. Once at the top, take the time to soak in the peaceful and contemplative atmosphere that prevails at this high point in the Vosges.

Whether you are a photography enthusiast looking to capture the magic of these fleeting moments or simply seeking tranquility and a connection with nature, watching the sunrise or sunset from the Hohneck is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories of the natural beauty of Alsace.

6 - Pet a reindeer at the Reindeer Farm

The Reindeer Farm, located in the Munster Valley in Alsace, offers a unique experience: the chance to pet a reindeer. Immerse yourself in nature and discover these magnificent Nordic animals in a picturesque and authentic setting.

Upon your arrival at the farm, you will be welcomed by a warm and friendly atmosphere. The reindeer, with their large antlers and gentle eyes, will be there to greet you. Through guided tours, you will learn more about these fascinating creatures, their habits, and their role in the ecosystem.

The most memorable experience begins when you have the opportunity to pet a reindeer. Approach gently and let yourself be enchanted by their softness and curiosity. Reindeer are docile and social animals, and you can create a special bond with them by petting and interacting with them.

Petting a reindeer at the Reindeer Farm is much more than just a tourist activity. It is an experience that awakens the senses and nourishes the soul, allowing you to reconnect with nature and feel a deep admiration for these majestic creatures. It’s a moment of tenderness and companionship that will remain etched in your memory long after your visit.

7 - Observe chamois on the Vosges ridges

Observing chamois on the Vosges ridges is a captivating experience that immerses you in the natural beauty of the mountains. Nestled among the steep peaks and lush valleys of the Vosges, chamois provide a majestic spectacle for those lucky enough to see them in their natural habitat.

To experience this unique encounter, you must first venture onto the hiking trails that wind through the ridges. The Vosges ridges offer breathtaking panoramas, and it’s around a bend that you may catch a glimpse of these elegant creatures.

Patience and discretion are essential when observing chamois. Equipped with binoculars, remain silent and attentive, watching for movement on the mountainsides. Chamois, agile and graceful, move with astonishing ease, adding to the magic of the moment as you watch them navigate their natural environment.

This experience of observing chamois on the Vosges ridges is much more than a simple encounter with wildlife. It is a true communion with nature, an opportunity to feel humble in the face of the mountains’ majesty and the grace of the animals that inhabit them. It leaves you with a deep respect for wildlife and unforgettable memories of the beauty of the Vosges.

8 - Taste the Munster macaron

Tasting the Munster macaron at Willy’s pastry shop is a bold culinary experience that subtly marries the local flavors of Alsace with the French tradition of macarons. Located in the heart of the charming town of Munster, this renowned bakery offers a unique creation that delights the palates of even the most discerning gourmets.

As soon as you step into Willy’s pastry shop, you will be greeted by the intoxicating aroma of freshly baked pastries and the warm atmosphere that fills the shop. Among the sparkling display cases of sweet treats, you will discover the Munster macaron, an intriguing creation that combines the sweetness of the French macaron with the intense and slightly tangy flavor of Munster cheese.

With the first bite of this little pastry jewel, you will be surprised by the harmonious combination of textures and flavors. The crunchy shell of the macaron perfectly contrasts with the melting center of Munster, creating an explosion of tastes in your mouth that awakens the senses and delights the palate.

Tasting the Munster macaron at Willy’s pastry shop is much more than just a tasting experience. It is a culinary adventure that celebrates the ingenuity and creativity of local artisans while inviting you to discover the unique flavors of the region. Whether you are a cheese lover or a sweets enthusiast, this experience will surprise and enchant you with its originality and refinement.

9 - Taste beers and wines from the Munster Valley

Tasting beers and wines from the Munster Valley is an unmissable gastronomic experience for all lovers of fine things. Nestled in the heart of Alsace, the Munster Valley is filled with brewing and winemaking treasures that reflect the richness and diversity of this renowned wine region.

Begin your tasting journey by exploring the local breweries, where you will discover a variety of craft beers brewed with passion and expertise. From refreshing blondes to rich ambers, each beer tells a unique story and embodies the spirit of the Munster Valley.

Next, venture into the vineyards that dot the surrounding hills. Alsace wines are known for their quality and distinctive character, and the Munster Valley is no exception. From delicate Rieslings to rich and aromatic Gewurztraminers, you will be enchanted by the diversity of grape varieties and terroirs that give rise to these exceptional wines.

To accompany your tastings, be sure to explore the culinary specialties of the region, such as Munster cheese, crispy pretzels, and savory tarte flambée. These traditional dishes pair wonderfully with the local beers and wines, creating perfect flavor combinations that will delight your taste buds.

Tasting beers and wines from the Munster Valley is much more than just a tasting experience. It is a true immersion in Alsatian culture and tradition, where each glass tells a story and each flavor awakens the senses. Whether you are a beer enthusiast, a passionate oenophile, or simply a food lover seeking new sensations, this experience promises memorable discoveries and unforgettable moments of conviviality.

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10 - Experience a Christmas market in the heart of the mountains

Experiencing a Christmas market in the heart of the mountains in Munster is an enchanting experience that transports visitors to a magical universe amid snow-capped peaks. Nestled in the picturesque Vosges valley, the town of Munster lights up every year during the Advent season, offering visitors a warm and magical atmosphere.

As you arrive at the market square, you will be enveloped by the intoxicating scents of cinnamon, gingerbread, and mulled wine, instantly awakening your festive spirit. The carefully decorated stalls offer a multitude of handcrafted products, from traditional Christmas decorations to delicious Alsatian treats.

Local artisans showcase their creativity with unique and original gifts: handmade jewelry, pottery, wooden sculptures, and much more. You can also taste the culinary specialties of the region, such as the famous farmer’s Munster cheese, crispy pretzels, and delectable Alsatian pastries.

There are numerous and varied activities that delight both young and old: traditional music concerts, puppet shows, Christmas tales, and of course, the arrival of Santa Claus himself. The beautifully illuminated and tastefully decorated streets invite you to stroll and soak in the Christmas spirit that reigns supreme.

Experiencing a Christmas market in the heart of the mountains in Munster is much more than just a festive outing. It is a true sensory experience that awakens the senses and warms the hearts, allowing you to share moments of joy and conviviality with your loved ones in an idyllic and enchanting setting.

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11 - Extra: All the Other Must-Do Experiences